HSC Workforce, formerly the HSC Workforce Appeal, was established by the Department of Health to manage the urgent temporary workforce needs of Northern Ireland’s health and social care system during the pandemic.
Since 2020, we have managed over 100 campaigns generating 41,000 candidate applications across health and social care as well as administration and support services, resulting in over 7,000 appointments across the system.
We are continuing to support the permanent, temporary and bank recruitment needs of the five Health and Social Care Trusts including the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Southern Health and Social Care Trust, Western Health and Social Care Trust, Northern Health and Social Care Trust and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust.
Be part of the HSC by applying today.
HSC Workforce, formerly the HSC Workforce Appeal, supports the direct recruitment of permanent, temporary and bank staff for Northern Ireland’s public health and social care employers.
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An initiative of
Calling All Nurses
Permanent, Temporary and Bank Contracts